Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Do You Like to Chat?

I was recently introduced to the new chat web site, Omegle. The site started up in March '09 and has already made some waves. Omegle is a totally anonymous chat venue. Everybody is "Stranger". I don't usually chat. Well, I don't ever chat, but I thought I'd give it a spin.
I clicked "chat" texted "Hello" and within a few seconds another disembodied person said hello and claimed to be in Finland, then I chatted with someone in India who immediately wanted my ASL - age, sex & location. I hit "disconnect". The third chat was with someone who claimed to be a female in university in Guangdong Province, China. She was brushing up on her English.
If you decide to go to http://www.omegle.com/ be prepared. There are lots of assholes, idiots, and lunatics who just want to yank your chain. And then, of course, the trolls.

Monday, April 6, 2009


So, former fire and explosive bomb maker Ward Churchill sticks around to see just how much more damage his ugly ass can do. Of course, U.S. colleges and universities are filled with radicalized socialists like Churchill, William Ayers, a 1969 co-founder of the radical bombing group the Weather Underground, and Ayers girlfriend (not the girlfriend who blew herself up making his bombs) and current spouse, Bernardine Dohrn. And like those other radical "teachers", they have deluded themselves into thinking that they are important and have something relative and enriching to impart to their students. They don't.

Churchill has spent a lifetime stealing the work of others, and then claiming it to be his own, from literary pieces to at least one painting. It's his gig. His persona. It's all he can do because he cannot do anything else; unemployable otherwise. He has also lied about being from American Indian bloodlines. Native American Indian groups have said, 'bullshit'. Ward Churchill masquerades as an Indigenous American in a hate campaign to destroy the U.S.A. He has drawn criticism from real American Indians for exploiting his fraudulent claims of Indian ancestry. This letter (below) posted on the American Indian Movement website sums it up.

“Ward Churchill has been masquerading as an Indian for years behind his dark glasses and beaded headband. He waves around an honorary membership card that at one time was issued to anyone by the Keetoowah Tribe of Oklahoma. Former President Bill Clinton and many others received these cards, but these cards do not qualify the holder a member of any tribe. He has deceitfully and treacherously fooled innocent and naïve Indian community members in Denver, Colorado, as well as many other people worldwide.” Nee Gon Nway Wee Dung, aka, Clyde H. Bellecourt, Ojibwa NationNational Executive DirectorAmerican Indian Movement Dennis J. Banks, Ojibwa NationChairman of the BoardAmerican Indian Movement

But, as he said, he's not claiming to be "Goddamned Sitting Bull", at least not yet. Maybe. Lying piece. Churchill couldn't hold down a productive real job if his life depended on it, which it does not because he has a so-called teaching job. Do you want this murf teaching your grandkids. If he got anywhere near mine I'd wrench that AK-47 from his filthy hands and show him how it's used.

Learn more about the turd that is Ward Churchill here:


I usually include a photo or graphic representation of the subject of my posts, but I don't want to sully my blog with scatological photos. However, I will say this: A jury of his like minded peers has now confirmed it.

You can dig up a coprolite, put sunglasses, an ugly gray wig, and clothes on it, give it a job, even paint it. But it’s still a rigid, unyielding, unsightly, and worthless piece of coprolite, aka Ward Churchill.

Hey, Churchill! You know where you can stick your dollar bill.