I'm not sure who, individually, I should be pointing my finger toward for deciding for me which light bulbs I should be using, but the so-called Light Bulb Ban is on hold. But only until September 2012, according to CNN/money.
My rant is that the government and the rest of our 'handlers' keep sticking their hands where they don't belong, enacting laws that neither they nor we understand, and attempting to fix things that aren't broken. The 'Edison lightbulb' is not broken, even if energy policies across the globe are. I don't want to give up the comfortable, warm lighting within my home only to replace it with the harsh glare of a big-box parking lot or a 6-lane highway. Nor do I want to pay through the nose to buy lighting I don't want or need.
If the individuals in government feel they need their collective hands somewhere, I suggest they bend over and stick 'em up their own butts. And leave the light bulbs to people who are smarter, and who have brighter ideas.
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