The week of January 25, 2009 was a very humbling experience. A disastrous ice storm ravaged many parts of the
Mid-South and Northeast Arkansas was not spared. Power lines and trees were downed by heavy ice that began forming during Monday night, January 26, 2009.
Trees ripping apart under the weight sounded like shotgun blasts...another tree down. And there were many trees. Most were far enough away from our house that when they fell the only damage was to the trees themselves. There was only one large limb that managed to punch a hole in one end of the house. It could have been much worse. And for some people, it was much worse.
The two of us were without electricity in an all-electric house for roughly 48 hours. We stayed in the house and bundled up with multiple layers. Cold food (not hungry but had to eat) but no hot coffee, candles, flashlights, and, for me, lots of sleep as the best way to retain body heat was to stay layered and stay still. Thankfully, we did have running water (cold, not hot). It was probably the worst 48 hours of my life. Mind and body-numbing. And very, very humbling. Thousands of us in the same miserable ass boat. Incredible to think that things could have been even worse (we got power after only 48 hours). For some, their experiences were worse. I hope to not ever have another experience like it. Everything looks surreal and ugly, like a war zone.
I also thought about the weather ruling our lives during this. Before this happened, I had thought that if another ice age or cooling period began that civilization could probably survive quite well, what with all the current technologies. Well, I now think probably not if it happened suddenly. Technology has no match for it. Nothing.
Anarchy would quickly take over as shelter, food and fuel supplies, and the all the other things we "need" would dwindle. We'd be killing each other for a bite to eat, a gallon of fuel, whatever: communications, transportation, power... I have noticed how much more anxious in general I've been since last w
eek, thinking...maybe the power's going down again, or, what if it happens again this winter. Just the total lack of any control. I worked in 3-day-old clothes last Thursday just because the office had heat. I'm still shaken by the experience and feel pretty small and insignificant.
Most food stores, fast-foods, quick-shops, gas-stations had no power and were closed, and the odd ones that did have power had very long lines. Wednesday night I went out at 1am and bought milk and car gasoline just so I could increase my chances of getting both. It was no problem at that late hour, thankfully. What if the roads had been snow and ice covered ruling out travel, and what if the temps had been much colder for much longer? What if it sleeted and snowed for a week, or more? What if it had been statewide, no, region-wide? What if, what if, what if? This storm kicked my ass out of its comfort zone and made me realize that if some kind of REALLY BIG SHIT (like another weather disaster) hit the fan that the populace would be on our own and we'd living or dying by our wits. It's not impossible. Last week still has my head spinning.
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