Just roll with this for a moment.

But you happen to live in an area with extreme, dangerous, and very bad neighbors like these two. You cannot just abandon everything you have worked hard for and move away. It's everything you have.
Every so often these very bad neighbors apparently get a burr up their asses and start lobbing grenades over the fence. Or they pretend to be making nice, come over to visit, then explode themselves at your dinner table killing members of your large family. Or equally terrifying, they fire rockets over the fence at your estate.
And when you have had all of this you can stand you retaliate in kind. In fact, you happen to have amassed a better arsenal than they have and you vigorously and decidedly defend your home and family. You can no longer simply turn the other cheek and have it smacked, as well.
Oh, the hew and cry from the very bad neighbors, the same neighbors who started all this, who now claim they are the ones being persecuted for some unknown reason. In my view this is exactly what is happening with Israel and their very bad neighbors next door in the Gaza Strip, Hamas.
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