What Richard Nixon - who was more of a crook than most of us - called the War on Drugs (Cannabis) is really a war on all citizens of the U.S., regardless of whether someone "uses" drugs recreationally or not. Drug use is a victimless act. Prohibition of ingestion of any substance can be viewed as a violation of personal and civil liberties. But the continuing campaign to bring us all in line is much, much more than that. And now with our (your) new President, the Messiah, the Chosen One, the Anti-Christ Muslim, the Giver Away of Our Money, He Who Would Disarm America, who nationalizes banks and insurance companies, and auto makers, bringing us all in line is more of a reality. An ugly one. More than enough grist for another posting on his behavior, but on with the current show.
The most succinct statement I have found regarding the so-called War on Drugs (Cannabis) is this: Richard Lawrence Miller's Drug Warriors and Their Prey draws detailed comparisons of the War on Drugs (Cannabis) in the United States today with events in 1930s Germany that led to Hitler's Third Reich and the attempted destruction of the Jewish people. Miller writes that "authoritarians are manufacturing and manipulating public fears about drug use in order to create a police state where a much broader agenda of social control can be implemented, using government power to determine what movies we may watch, determine who we may love and how we may love them, determine whether we may or must pray to a deity. I believe the war on drug users masks a war on democracy."
And many people have bought into the propaganda, the outright lies spewed forth by our own government. The War on Drugs (Cannabis) has imprisoned a generation who did nothing morally wrong. It's made criminals of millions. It has squandered national treasure, made international enemies, prostituted governments, and perverted law enforcement. Many, many more voices are now saying louder and louder and more often that it's past the time to stop the Marijuana madness that has been pushed by our employees in Washington, D.C.
The gubment claims that Marijuana has no medicinal value. BULLSHIT. IT DOES HAVE.
As medical Marijuana clinics continue to open and people find pain and nausea relief.
The gubment claims that Marijuana leads to Reefer Madness. BULLSHIT. IT DOES NOT.
Otherwise millions of us would try to rob you of your cupcakes and chocolate milk.
The gubment claims that Marijuana is a gateway drug. BULLSHIT. IT IS NOT.
Unless it's also claimed that drinking water is a gateway to alcoholism.