Once again, my Type-2 diabetes sneaked up on me and kicked my butt. I can usually keep my condition under control with meds, eating somewhat responsibly, and exercising often-to-daily, if my feet and ankles will allow.
Several times since being diagnosed and beginning Glyburide-Micro I have had episodes of hypoglycemia - low blood sugar; even with the same breakfast and mid-morning snack routine. I say mid-morning because that's when they always happen. The episodes are as if someone flipped a switch. I have very little recognizable bodily warning; the hypoglycemia is on me in a few heartbeats. My blood-sugar level then is at about 90, which, for me, is too low. I can quickly get it back up, but the damage is already done. The results are confusion, headache, bodyache, extreme tiredness, hunger, et al. The rest of the day is shot, as well as the next day. I'm not good for anything except sleeping and eating a bit more. The episodes are lots of emotions all rolled into one hell of a bad day. Scary sums it up.
The most recent episode began INSTANTLY! just as I was about to eat a tasty, charcoal-grilled burger. Just moments before I was chatting with the friend doing the grilling. I did get the burger eaten, though.