Friday, December 18, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
High Fructose Corn Syrup: Getting the Black Eye it Deserves
Is It a Hat or a Cap?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Bronchitis: It Came, It Conquered, It Left

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
SUNSHINE: Necessary, or a Necessary Evil?

Monday, September 14, 2009
Something Happened on the Way to Success
Many acquaintances and friends my age have already retired somehow. My strange-behaviourist brother, who is just a couple of years older than I, has been retired for years. I'm still slogging away. It's not that I don't enjoy what I do and the contributions I make for the good of the company and myself. My employer has been good to me and I never have to dread going to work. I've done that and it's not fun. It's just that, well, working everyday just gets in the way of my valuable leisure time. Naps have to be weekend things and I love a good nap about mid-morning, or mid-afternoon, or both.
No, what I cannot figure out is how so many middle-class slobs have so much more money and stuff and have been able to retire. Money's not everything, of course, but it's how we all keep our own teeth in good order, take good medical care of ourselves, wear decent and clean clothes, drive a dependable vehicle, enjoy the occasional fine dinner, and more.

I think somebody's been fooling around with my road map.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Sugar, Baby

Friday, September 4, 2009
Man With Death Wish Slaps Child in Georgia Wal-Mart

At just about the moment that Asshat ended his threat is about the time my handgun would've been pressed up against his forehead. Apparently the mother did not shut her up, because a few minutes later, in another aisle, the man approached them, grabbed the child, and slapped the little girl "4 or 5 times", saying, "See, I told you I would shut her up." Yep, it landed him in jail. This kind of dangerous, life threatening behavior should have landed Stephens in a morgue.
Another customer stopped him, security was called, police came, and Asshat was arrested and charged with cruelty with children in the first degree, which is a felony. His defense? "I apologized to the mother".
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009
Itchy and Scratchy
The apparel industry recently began printing the labels and I thought my karma was rewarding me for, oh, I don’t know, maybe for not stuffing a dead rat in the dryer vent of the assholes who used to live next door, but their karma took perfect care of them. They’re now both dead. Ahem...

The printed size-care-use labels are called Tagless Labels. This fast growing trend began with cheap t-shirts and is now finding its way into many other garments. Garment labeling is a big business. Really, it’s a huge business with more nuances than a thirsty teen with a pacifier at a rave party. There’s the federal regulations to worry about, clothing counterfeiters, label marketing, brand imaging and protection, holographic labeling, and other factors that I had never even thought about. But the industry has, believe me. Just the U.S. government's apparel labeling rules and regulations are enough to wipe out an entire forest of trees for the paper to print them on. Fascinating and troublesome at the same time, but that's for someone else to blog about. I'm mostly just bothered by the torture-like feel of a label on my neck, or at the back of my underwear's waistband. "Chinese water torture" has nothing on the misery of a scratchy label.
Federal regulations require a label to be legible and durable enough that it lasts for the life of the garment, so it's going to be with me for a while. The trouble with tagless is that the ink is sometimes so thick, or made to be so durable that even it scratches me.
But, I don’t see me cutting a hole in the shirt where the printed label is.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Cops Are In Control in Cambridge, and Everywhere Else
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The Turd That is Ward Churchill - FAIL!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Siberia, Russia: A Myth of Mystery
Monday, June 15, 2009
What's On Your Menu?

Monday, June 1, 2009
Nature at its Best

As long as it doesn't begin attacking the house.
In about mid-April, 2009, a Red Bellied Woodpecker constructed a nest in a dead limb of a Willow Oak tree in my backyard. This gave me the opportunity to observe its behavior on a daily basis, as well as learn its call. I now realize that I had heard a red-bellied woodpecker's call before, but did not know what it was. Initially I thought the bird was a Red-headed Woodpecker because "mine" does have red on its head - its red is actually called the cap, not the head. But it is not a Red-head. Even though it is called Red-bellied, one has to look hard to see the color on its breast. I call mine Rosie. Yeah, Rosie.
I have enjoyed seeing Rosie up close. Her nest is about 20 feet from our deck, and about 30 feet from the ground. Since April she has been faithfully incubating the eggs. They are apparently now hatched as yesterday I saw her make trip after trip to forage for food for her clutch. Red-bellied woodpeckers don't typically "peck" for food. They forage on the ground for insects, even catching mice, as well as catching insects on-the-fly. I have read that Rosie could even catch a live grasshopper, and then tightly tuck it - live - into a crevice in a tree for later dining. Cool!
I hope I get to see the juveniles, perhaps preening and stretching their wings before they abandon the nest - as all offspring should do!
Woodpecker UPDATE - June 27, 2009, Bird Today, Gone Tomorrow
Well, I had the simple pleasure of seeing only one juvenile Red Belly for a week or so. At least, I think it was just one. It would appear at the nest hole, looking about for its next meal to be delivered. This was during some of the hottest weather we have had and the fledgling had to be hot. I never saw it outside the nest, though. Since it has been about a week since I've seen it or its parents, I suppose it's vacated the premises - ahem, as all offspring should do.
However, almost as interesting as seeing the fledgling appear in the 'doorway' was seeing both parents foraging, and feeding the chick. I had thought I was seeing a very efficient mother quickly catching, and then feeding insects to her baby. Then, while observing through a pair of still-excellent 40 year old Yashica, 10x50 binoculars, I discovered that both mom and dad were sharing the burden. As soon as one brought in a meal and few back out to nature's deli, the other flew in with more bounty. As one of my daughters-in-law said, "Aw, that's sweet". She was right.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Do You Like to Chat?

Monday, April 6, 2009
Churchill has spent a lifetime stealing the work of others, and then claiming it to be his own, from literary pieces to at least one painting. It's his gig. His persona. It's all he can do because he cannot do anything else; unemployable otherwise. He has also lied about being from American Indian bloodlines. Native American Indian groups have said, 'bullshit'. Ward Churchill masquerades as an Indigenous American in a hate campaign to destroy the U.S.A. He has drawn criticism from real American Indians for exploiting his fraudulent claims of Indian ancestry. This letter (below) posted on the American Indian Movement website sums it up.
“Ward Churchill has been masquerading as an Indian for years behind his dark glasses and beaded headband. He waves around an honorary membership card that at one time was issued to anyone by the Keetoowah Tribe of Oklahoma. Former President Bill Clinton and many others received these cards, but these cards do not qualify the holder a member of any tribe. He has deceitfully and treacherously fooled innocent and naïve Indian community members in Denver, Colorado, as well as many other people worldwide.” Nee Gon Nway Wee Dung, aka, Clyde H. Bellecourt, Ojibwa NationNational Executive DirectorAmerican Indian Movement Dennis J. Banks, Ojibwa NationChairman of the BoardAmerican Indian Movement
But, as he said, he's not claiming to be "Goddamned Sitting Bull", at least not yet. Maybe. Lying piece. Churchill couldn't hold down a productive real job if his life depended on it, which it does not because he has a so-called teaching job. Do you want this murf teaching your grandkids. If he got anywhere near mine I'd wrench that AK-47 from his filthy hands and show him how it's used.
I usually include a photo or graphic representation of the subject of my posts, but I don't want to sully my blog with scatological photos. However, I will say this: A jury of his like minded peers has now confirmed it.
You can dig up a coprolite, put sunglasses, an ugly gray wig, and clothes on it, give it a job, even paint it. But it’s still a rigid, unyielding, unsightly, and worthless piece of coprolite, aka Ward Churchill.
Hey, Churchill! You know where you can stick your dollar bill.