I have one son in particular who seems quite proud of the fortress (his word) he constructs between his precious butt, and the evil and unhealthy forces waiting for it on the toilet seat. He uses a half roll of paper before he even sits. Squirming all the while, hurrying, so he can get down to business. If he really wanted to keep other butts off the seat he should replace it with one of these.
Now I have read that certain organisms can live on surfaces other than our bodies. Some live for seconds, some live for hours - depending on the story. Some harmful bacteria probably are on the toilet seat, but no STDs live on them (so I've read). If STDs lived on toilet seats and were dependent upon a fresh butt sitting on them for mobility and eventual motility, then they would be called TTDs.
One of the best defenses against toilet seat critters is our skin...our unbroken, healthy skin. But, if you have scratches, sores, or any open wounds on your bottom, by all means keep them covered as these kinds of openings do invite invasion that you could truly say you got from a toilet seat.
Having lived for more than a half century, and once being a European traveler of sorts, I have used toilets - actually sat on toilet seats - in places from Little Rock to Luxembourg, Memphis to Munich, Benton to Berlin, Amsterdam to Zurich, and dozens of other places. I have yet to be able to honestly claim that, 'I got it from a toilet seat'. If I had any luck at all the only thing I ever got was relief. Mind you, I have papered the seat first, if there was enough paper for after, just so I could keep the bigger chunks off my bottom. But other times have simply been 'commando'. The undeniably worst thing I ever saw lurking on a toilet seat was the thing to the left...

Once, just outside Paris, France, I pulled into a gas station to do my duty only to find that there would be no sitting. Standing Room Only. This was the only place I ever saw one of these, although I'm sure I just missed the others.
The more important question than what is lurking on a toilet seat is, how dirty are your shoes? Pretty damn dirty it turns out. Think about it. You walk through all kinds of yuck, in and out of restrooms, clinics and hospitals, your workplace, where the dog did his duty...and then walk into your home. Your shoes have enough filth on them to make a toilet seat cringe. And you're worried about the crapper? The crap's on your shoes...and everywhere else...all the time. Just click the link above and see what ABC News found.